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(Use special characters in your navigation menu links)
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==Prevent PayPal Order Number Conflicts==
If you are using one paypal account to accept orders on more than one Soholaunch website, you may run into order number conflicts. This usually manifests in an error from PayPal that says something like "Order already exists".
===The problem===
The Soholaunch Shopping Cart starts it's order numbers off at 10000 and counts up one at a time per order, so your third order will be order #10003. When you use PayPal as your payment gateway, this order number is passed to paypal as the unique identifier number for PayPal.
Normally, when you just have one website, this is all fine and dandy. But when you have two websites running through the same PayPal account, you start to get conflicts. If you've received three orders from Site A and three orders from Site B, the third order on both sites is going to pass to PayPal as #10003. When the Site B tries to run its third order through, PayPal says "Hey, no...that order number already exists" (because Site A used it earlier).
===How to fix it===
==Use special characters in your navigation menu links==
==Use special characters in your navigation menu links==

Revision as of 18:20, 11 March 2011


Prevent PayPal Order Number Conflicts

If you are using one paypal account to accept orders on more than one Soholaunch website, you may run into order number conflicts. This usually manifests in an error from PayPal that says something like "Order already exists".

The problem

The Soholaunch Shopping Cart starts it's order numbers off at 10000 and counts up one at a time per order, so your third order will be order #10003. When you use PayPal as your payment gateway, this order number is passed to paypal as the unique identifier number for PayPal.

Normally, when you just have one website, this is all fine and dandy. But when you have two websites running through the same PayPal account, you start to get conflicts. If you've received three orders from Site A and three orders from Site B, the third order on both sites is going to pass to PayPal as #10003. When the Site B tries to run its third order through, PayPal says "Hey, no...that order number already exists" (because Site A used it earlier).

How to fix it

Use special characters in your navigation menu links

Soholaunch does not currently support using special characters (anything besides letters, numbers, and spaces) in your site's menu navigation, neither in main page links nor in sub page links.

Although we are working to improve this in future versions so that you can use whatever characters you want, there are ways to get around the current restriction in the mean time.

Method #1: Search and Replace Table

Let's assume you want to create a page called Lilo & Stitch. Normally, that ampersand will make the Soholaunch paging system

  1. Name your page something that works under the standard page naming restrictions, so let's say "Lilo and Stitch".
  2. Go Main Menu > Database Tables > User Tables > UDT_CONTENT_SEARCH_REPLACE > View/Edit Records
  3. Add a Record
  4. Search for: "Lilo and Stitch" (without the quotes)
  5. Replace with: "Lilo & Stitch" (without the quotes)

Method #2: Hard code your menu

If you are comfortable modifying the html file for your template, you can certainly hard-code your menu navigation directly into the HTML file and use whatever special characters you want.

Copy-Paste Content from Microsoft Word

Pasting from MS Word is always a problem for WYSIWYG editors like the Soholaunch Text Editor, because the content that you copy from Word carries all of this crappy Microsoft psuedo-html code with it. Some of that code works; some of it can't be interpreted by the browser. Hence the funky, half-working result you end up with a lot of times.

To combat this, we recommend two options:

1. Instead of normal pasting (Ctrl+V or right-click, paste), use the Paste from Word button inside the Soholaunch Text Editor. Note that this button does not work in FireFox (not for lack of trying). When you hit that button, the soho editor will try to translate the odd MS Word code into to real html code, which will usually yield a bit better results than just normal pasting.

2. Strip all the formatting before you paste. As in, copy the content from MS Word, paste it in a bare-bones text editor like MS Notepad, then copy from there in to the soho editor and format as you like. This is certainly the most reliable, quirk-free method, though it does require you to re-do your formatting.

How to find your FTP login

If you submit support tickets with us, we will usually ask you for your "FTP" login username and password. If your web hosting company offers "cPanel", then this username/password is probably the same as your "cPanel" user name and password. You usually find this log-in information in the "Welcome" email that your web hosting company sent you when you first signed up with them.

How to fix a corrupt page

Sometimes certain content on a page will break the page editor. Often you don't know this is happening until it's too late and your page is corrupted.

Symptoms of a corrupt page:

  • Page Editor: Fails to load
  • Page Editor: Cannot delete objects
  • Page Editor: Not all grid squares display
  • Page does not display correctly (or at all)

Cause of corrupt page: Code or script that you have copy-pasted from elsewhere is messing with the page editor.

If this happens to you the best thing to do is create a new page, then re-place your content from the broken page one element at a time. Of special note: To be extra safe, put all suspicious content on the page using the Custom Code object (which prevents the Page Editor from trying to interpret it).

Note: Again, the cause of corrupt pages is almost always broken html code that you have copy-pasted, or javascript that you have copy-pasted into the Text Editor. If you need to put javascript or other special code on the page, do it with the Custom Code object.

Note2: You may have to completely delete the original page and start over.

Related: How to place something on a page as custom code

How to add anchor links

Here is how you install anchors to text in Soholaunch:

  1. In the text editor, place your cursor at the place where you would like the anchor. Click the anchor button and create a short, single word name for the anchor. Click Insert.
  2. Now go to the text you would like linked to that anchor and select (highlight) the text.
  3. Click the insert/edit link button. in the Anchors dropdown select the correct anchor for the text and click insert.

That should help you. Keep in mind that you create the anchor first and then link text to the anchor. Also, anchors are only valid within the same text editor. If you have multiple text boxes on a page the anchors will not work between separate text boxes.

Update to the latest version

From the Main Menu of /sohoadmin...

  1. Click the Webmaster buttton on the top nav
  2. Click the Software Updates button
  3. Click the big "Check for Updates Now" button
  4. Select the build you want to install
  5. Click "Install"

Download new language translation files

Translations of the Soholaunch product are now handled at If you speak multiple languages and want to help translate Soholaunch, you can go to that site, sign up for a free account, and start translating immediately.

At any time you can download the latest language file for a given language. Here's how...

  1. Go to
  2. Sign-up/Log-in
  3. Set language to the language you want to download (e.g., Hebrew)
  4. Click link at top-left to download latest translation files

Once you have downloaded the latest language file you can add it to your Soholaunch-powered website by logging-in via FTP, and uploading the hebrew.php (or spanish.php, or whatever.php) file you downloaded to this folder...


Make text scroll like a marquee

The old Text Editor (< v4.9.3) used to include a "marquee" feature that would allow you to make any block of text scroll across the page. It was absent in the updated version of the Text Editor (v4.9.3) --- and was left out because it was buggy and was more trouble than it seemed worth.

However, you can still make text scroll like that by switching to HTML View and putting <marquee> tags around the part you want to scroll, like this...

<marquee>scroll me</marquee>

Check out this website I found for more on the marquee tag and how you can configure it (e.g., speed, etc).

Put some HTML on a page as a custom code

Sometimes you try to paste some code in the Soholaunch Text Editor and you can't get it to work right. This typically happens with code that people copy-paste from other providers (like PayPal button code). In most of these cases the Text Editor in soho is trying to interpret the code so you can see what it's output looks like, but if there's javascript in there or something it can through the editor off (because it tries to execute the javascript when it gets to it...with all kinds of quirky results).

Anyhow, you can avoid all these problems by putting your special code in a custom include and dropping it on your page via the Custom Code object. Any code dropped on the page via the Custom Code object is not interpreted until the page itself is loaded by the site visitor.

This fixes 99.9% of all "I put the code in the Text Editor but it doesn't work." problems.

  1. Open the page you want to drop it on in the Page Editor.
  2. Drag-and-drop Custom Code object onto the page
  3. Hit New File button.
  4. Paste code.
  5. Save. Name the file whatever.php
  6. Select file from drop-down box.
  7. Hit ok.
  8. Save page.

Alternate method, create your own #variables# for your custom code

Sometimes you need custom code to display nested within content that you create using the Text Editor. For example, let's say you have a table with two columns and you want to put normal text in one column and Google ads in the other column.

For this scenario, using the above method (the Custom Code drag-and-drop object) is less than ideal because you can't get precise placement using the Custom Code method (unless you include the whole table in your custom code, but that's for people who know HTML).

So with this alternate method, instead of placing the custom html directly on the page, you're going to place a custom placeholder variable where you want the custom code to appear, and then use the UDT_CONTENT_SEARCH_REPLACE table to replace that placeholder with the actual code when the page loads for the site visitor.

Here are the steps to follow...

  1. In the Text Editor place something the text "#mycodewillgohere#" (without the quotes) where you want the custom code to show up. This is going to be your placeholder variable. You can use whatever text you want. For example, it could be doesn't matter, as long as it's not one of the reserved variables.
  2. Press the Update button in the Text Editor to apply your changes
  3. Press the Save Page button.
  4. Go to the Main Menu
  5. Click Database Tables
  6. Under User Tables, View/Edit Records in the UDT_CONTENT_SEARCH_REPLACE table.
  7. Press the Add New Record button
  8. For the "Search For" field, enter your placeholder variable (e.g., #mycodewillgohere# or #emilyscoolvariable#)
  9. For the "Replace With" field, paste in your custom code.
  10. Save Record.
  11. View website. Your code should work when the is viewed, but remain as a #variable# while you're editing the page.

The bonus of this method is that you can now use that #mycodewillgohere# variable ANYWHERE on your website, as many times as you want (instead of having to frequently copy-paste your custom code everywhere, you can just type that variable name).

Get started with FTP

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is like Windows Explorer for your website's files. Often, especially when you start tinkering with your template html and css, you'll need a way to access files that the Soholaunch tool itself doesn't provide you direct access to....a way to get behind the curtain a little. This is what FTP is for.

One of the better FTP clients out there is also free. It's called FileZilla. You can download it here...

In order to get at your template folder...

  1. Go download filezilla (
  2. Install it on your computer
  3. At the top you'll see fields for host, username, and password. For "host" just fill-in your domain name (e.g., You username and password are typically the same as your cpanel usename and password. If you can't get the right username/password, check the welcome email from your web hosting company. If you can't find that, contact your web hosting company and ask them for you ftp username/password
  4. Once you're in through ftp, locate your template folder
  5. The two files you are probably looking for are index.html and custom.css. See: Template Folder and Files
  6. Download the file you want to modify to your PC, make your changes, then upload it back to your site...all though this FileZilla FTP program.

Modify your custom.css file

Most templates --- including all factory templates and most templates available on the [Addons] website --- make use of a file called custom.css. This file contains all (or mostly all) of the styles that affect how your template looks and feels.

If you want to make color, style, etc changes to your template, chances are what you are looking for is located in your template's custom.css file.

You can find this file in your template folder.

Move your site to a different server

  1. Sign-up for new hosting account
  2. Get temporary access url from your new web hosting company
  3. Use temporary url to install Soholaunch to new hosting space (via Fantastico or our installsoholaunch.php script)
  4. Back on your OLD server, log-in to sohoadmin.
  5. Go to the Webmaster menu.
  6. Click the Site Mover tool
  7. Click Move this Site
  8. Download that file it creates
  9. On your NEW server, log-in to sohoadmin.
  10. Go to Webmaster Menu.
  11. Click Site Mover tool
  12. Upload your transfer file
  13. At your domain registrar, re-point your domain name

Add a custom redirect to a page

Here is the code to do a proper (search engine-friendly) redirect. Put this php code in a file, call it "whatever.php", and drop it on the page you want to redirect via the Custom Code object in the Page Editor.

Make sure to change that "" address.

header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

Maximize the admin/editing window in Internet Explorer

The sohoadmin window is designed to run in a fixed size of a little smaller than 800x600 dimensions to make sure it fits on all monitor resolutions.

However, sometimes it can be handy to be able to make the admin window larger if you have enough screen real-estate to do so. If you are using a browser besides Internet Explorer, like Mozilla FireFox (our recommended browser), then you can simply drag the bottom-right corner of your browser window to resize it.

But if you're using Internet Explorer then follow these steps...

1. Log-in to sohoadmin

2. Close the sohoadmin window after it launches

3. You should be looking at the "Click here to re-launch admin window" screen.

4. In the address bar you'll see a URL like this...

5. Change it to this...

6. Hit the Enter key

7. Admin window will re-launch and be resizeable

Add fonts to the new Text Editor

CIA Fonts will not work with v4.9.2+

In versions prior to v4.9.2 there was a plugin called CIA Fonts on the Soholaunch Addons website that made it easy to add fonts to the Text Editor. But as of v4.9.2 this plugin will no longer work (until it is updated...hint, hint Thomas), because v4.9.2+ builds incorporate a completely different text editor.

The new workaround method for sites running v4.9.2+

Until an easier solution is created (which should happen before too long), you can still add fonts to the new editor, but not quite as easily as you could with the old editor and CIA Fonts.

Here's how to add fonts to the new Text Editor

You must be running at least v4.9.2 r7+ to add fonts using this method...
  1. Go to Database Table Manager
  2. Click the "System tables" tab
  3. Find the smt_userdata table
  4. Click View/Edit Records
  5. Using the search box at the top left run a search on "customfonts" (without the qoutes). Only one record should be returned.
  6. Edit that record
  7. Add fonts to that "data" field (details below) and hit the Save Changed Data button

Format of fonts list

The "data" field contains a list of all the fonts available in the Text Editor. You may want to copy-paste the content of the data field into a text/code editor like Dreamweaver or MS Notepad so you can see them all on one line instead of wrapped into multiple lines. Then when you're done editing the list just copy-paste it back into the text field you took it out of and save the record.

Example content of "data" field in "customfonts" record...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif

The font choices are separated by semicolon ";". Each font choice has two parts, separated by an equals sign (=). The first part (e.g., Arial) is the font name as it will display in the Text Editor and doesn't matter (i.e., you could call it "Billyfont". The second part is what actually affects what font will show on the website --- the proper font-family syntax for the html/css code. Some fonts in the second part specify multiple comma-separated fonts --- these are alternates to use if the preceding font isn't available.

Adding "Trebuchet" to the font list...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Trebuchet=Trebuchet MS,verdana,arial,sans-serif

Again, the display name doesn't really matter, and the multiple comma-separated alternative fonts are note required either, so could just have...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;MyFavoriteFont=Trebuchet MS

When you're done editing the font list in the data field just hit the Save Changed Data to update the record and you're done! Your new font will be available in the Text Editor now.

Find out what version of Soholaunch you're running

Howto find your version no.gif

The installed version number is located in the bottom-right of the admin tool window, in the footer.

Create an auto-reply email address field in the Web Form builder

In the form builder...

  1. Click the "(+) Add Field" button
  2. Click the "Email Address" field

Uninstall Soholaunch manually

Note: This will kill the entire website. Do not do this unless you're positive this is what you want to do. This is meant for people who installed Soholaunch manually (i.e. via installsoholaunch.php) on a website they don't want it on and now want to uninstall it.

Using your preferred code editor (MS Notepad will work if you don't have a code editor of choice), create a new file (save it as deleteitall.php or something) containing this code....

shell_exec("rm -rf media");
shell_exec("rm -rf images");
shell_exec("rm -rf import");
shell_exec("rm -rf tCustom");
shell_exec("rm -rf template");
shell_exec("rm -rf shopping");
shell_exec("rm -rf sohoadmin");
echo "Done! It's all gone!";
?> save that file as something like "deleteitall.php", upload it to your document root folder (i.e. public_html, htdocs, etc.) via FTP and point your browser to

Offer your customers your own template collection

To make your custom templates available to every user on your server, wrap them all up in a zip file and upload them can be anywhere, as long as it's accessible from the internet.

For example, let's say you upload your .zip file full of templates to...

Then log-in to the Partner Area and go to "Branding Controls". Under "Templates" check the "My own templates" box, for the "URL path to template library .zip..." field fill-in

Then scroll down and hit the "Save Options" button. Done! From now on whenever a new Soholaunch-powered website is set up on your server(s), your template library will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Rename/Delete a page that won't delete

Usually, if you can't delete a page it's because it has some trouble characters in its name like an ampersand (&) or something. In order to delete the page you'll have to rename it first. And you'll have to rename it "the hard way" because that ampersand won't let you rename it "the easy way" (via Page Properties) for the same reason it won't let you delete the page.

So here's the step by step for manually renaming a page called "Milo & Otis" to "Milo and Otis" so it won't give you any more problems.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Database Table Manager
  2. Select the site_pages table from the drop-down menu
  3. Hit the "Enter/Edit Record Data" button
  4. When the table pulls up click the link on the top right that says "Run custom query"
  5. Put the following tn the text box that pops-up and hit the "Run Query" button...
update site_pages set page_name = 'Milo and Otis' where page_name = 'Milo & Otis'

Once you follow these steps you should be able to delete, rename, etc the page as normal.

Find/Edit custom table search includes

Via FTP, the files are located here...


File naming convention...

udt-search_[search name].inc

Example file name...

You can download these files to your PC, modify them, then upload them back to that /media folder and you're good to go.

Link to specific shopping cart sku

Go to your website and browse your shopping cart. Click the Buy Now/More Information link for the product you want to link to, then copy the url from your address bar. Should look something like this...

Advanced Note: That id # matches the prikey value of that sku in the cart_products table.

Link to specific shopping cart category

Go to your website and browse your shopping cart. In the search column you'll see a list of links to your categories (in the search column). Click on the link to the category you want, then copy the url from your address bar. Should look something like this...

Link to specific month/year in you event calendar

In the text editor, select the text you want to link and hit the little link icon/button next to the paint bucket. Then in the link dialog that pops up, in the field that says "(or) Link / Anchor:" and has "http://" already in the field, do this...

Note: Replace "About_Us" with the name of the page that you dropped you're calendar on, and replace the month and year numbers with whatever month/year you want to jump to.

Reset your hit counter

  1. Log-in to your site via FTP
  2. Browse to the "sohoadmin/filebin/" folder
  3. Delete hitcounter.txt

Move license from subdomain to primary domain

  1. Log-in to the partner area
  2. Click on "Lifetime Licenses"
  3. Delete the license listed for your subdomain
  4. Click "Add Domain"
  5. Fill-in the name of your primary domain and click "Generate License"

Download page content files

Via FTP, the files are located here...


What's the difference between CON and REGEN files?

In short, CON files are for the website-side, REGEN files are for the admin-side.

CON files
When a visitor views a page on your website, script files read the CON file for that page and use it to build the final HTML for the page. CON files tell the website-side scripts that you've got a cart item, a login box, and this text on this page.
REGEN files
These are used by Soholaunch's Page Editor. When you open a page in Soholaunch to edit it, the REGEN file for that page is read and it tells the product what objects are on the page and which dropzones to display them in.

When you save a page in the Page Editor, it saves a REGEN file for that page so it knows what edit options to show you in the Page Editor the next time you edit that page, and then it builds a CON file for the page so that the website-side scripts know what to display to site visitors.

Upload video files via FTP

Via FTP, the files are located here...


Find/Edit the default contact forms

Contact forms
Via FTP, the files are located here...


The files are:

  • Contact_Form_(Basic).form
  • General_Email_Form.form

Newsletter quick signup form
The file for this is located here...


Points to remember:

  • Though they're technicaly just html files, make sure to preserve the .form extension when you upload them back to your site so the system can recognize them (which is the whole idea behind the .form extension --- so know it's a form).

Find your template folder

1. Log-in via FTP to your website and navigate to this folder...


2. Find the folder for your specific template. This is the naming convention for template folders..


So if you're using CORPORATE > A_Curvacious_Mark (Blue), your template folder would be...


...and the full path from your home directory would be:


Swap out your template header text for a logo image

1. Download the index.html file from your template folder

2. Find (ctrl+f) "#LOGO#"

3. Replace it with "#LOGOIMG#"

4. Save the file and upload it back to your template folder

You can now add and change the logo image in your template via Template Manager (where it says choose logo image).

The same logic applies if you want to change your logo text to something else or add other information right around it. For example, if your template allows for header text via #LOGO# and you want slogan text too, you could find that #LOGO# in your template's .html file but instead of replacing it with #LOGOIMG# you could change it to something like...

Example: Apply same logic to add slogan text

Original line in template's index.html file...


Add a line break and the pound-variable for slogan text...


Complete list of available pound variables like #LOGO#, #LOGOIMG#, and #SLOGAN#, see custom template reference.

Set background image

1. Log-in via FTP and find your template's folder...

2. Upload the image you want to use as your background to that folder

3. Download the custom.css file that's in there and open it up in your code editor of choice (or notepad will work if nothing else)

4. Add in this code...

body { background-image: url(mybackgroundimage.gif); }

5. Save the file (custom.css) and upload it back to your template's folder

Make a button that links to another website, but opens that link in a new window

Solution: Pull up the Text Editor where you put in the button, click on the "HTML" button at the bottom left.

The HTML for your button should look something like this...

<input type="button" style="width: 163px; color: 
rgb(29, 0, 237); height: 24px; background-color: rgb(249, 186, 0);"
size="217" value="Click here to go to">

To make this button link to "", insert the following "onclick" attribute...


So the full code for the button should look something like...

<input type="button" onclick="'','',
'width=800px, height=600px,resizable');"
style="width: 163px; color: rgb(29, 0, 237); 
height: 24px; background-color: rgb(249, 186, 0);" 
size="217" value="My Button">

Just replace "" with the site you want to link to, and you're good to go.

Install Soholaunch on a subdomain manually via cPanel

How to install manually on subdomain....

  1. Download installer


  1. Create database
  2. Create user
  3. Add user to database

Local PC

  1. Extract somewhere

FTP Client

  1. Upload installsoholaunch.php to root of subfolder for subdomain (e.g., "public_html/fr" for "")


  1. Go to
  2. Click install button
  3. Fill-out setup form with database info (db name, username, password you just created in cPanel)
  4. Done installing!

Import a large number of shopping cart items at once

  1. Log-in to sohoadmin (
  2. Main Menu > Database Tables > System Tables tab
  3. Scroll until you see the "cart_products" table. If it does not exist, return to the Main Menu and click the Shopping Cart icon once, wait for the Shopping Cart menu to load (the one with buttons that say things like Shipping Options, Find/Edit Products, Tax Options, etc), and then go back to Database Tables > System Tables (so basically start over at step #2 above).
  4. Next to the "cart_products" name you'll see a Download link. Click that to download the table in CSV format.
  5. Open Microsoft Excel, create a new spreadsheet
  6. In Excel, do this: Data > Import External Data > (select the file you downloaded) > Semicolon delimited > Finish
  7. Now you have all the right column names set up in your spreadsheet, you can start filling it out with all your product info.
  8. When you've got it filled out, Save As > CSV file (semicolon delimited) > Yes on the warning prompt about losing funcitonality
  9. Back in sohoadmin, go to Main Menu > File Manager > Upload Files
  10. Upload the .csv file you just saved your spreadsheet to.
  11. Go back to sohoadmin > Main Menu > Database Tables > System tables tab
  12. Next to cart_products, click the Import link.
  13. Select the CSV file you uploaded, then follow the prompts to make sure that your column names match up.
  14. Once you finish the Import action, you're all done!

Note1: If you already have a spreadsheet full of shopping cart items, skip to step 8

Note2: The PROD_CATEGORY fields use the keyfield numbers from the cart_category table, which you can also view via Database Tables > System Tables tab > View/Edit Records

Note3: You can also use this import feature to update many cart items at one time.

Note4: Always use the Backup/Restore to make a backup first!

Transfer shopping cart items from one site to another

sohoadmin for Main site (e.g,

  1. Database Tables feature
  2. System Tables
  3. cart_products
  4. Click the download link
  5. Save that somewhere on your PC

sohoadmin for subdomain (e.g.,

  1. File Manager
  2. Upload Files
  3. Upload csv file that you downloaded
  4. Database Tables
  5. System Tables
  6. cart_products
  7. Import
  8. Follow instructions

Make blog sort by earliest-to-latest, instead of latest-to-earliest.

1. Log-in via FTP, browse to your public_html folder

2. Download pgm-blog_display.php

3. Modify sort order by finding this line...

$blog_qry = "ORDER BY timestamp DESC, PRIKEY DESC LIMIT 15"; // Limit by 15

to this...

$blog_qry = "ORDER BY timestamp DESC, PRIKEY ASC LIMIT 15"; // Limit by 15

4. To be safe, find all other instances of "DESC" and replace them with "ASC".

5. Save. Upload your modified pgm-blog_display.php TO YOUR TEMPLATE FOLDER. If Soholaunch finds a pgm-blog_display.php in your template folder, it will use it instead of the standard file.