10 Packs

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What is a 10 Pack?

A 10 Pack, as its name implies, adds 10 Single Website Licenses to your Soholaunch partner account inventory that you can use whenever you want (i.e., you do not have to assign them to particular domain names right away).

Who are they for?

If you use Soholaunch Pro Edition to build websites for yourself and/or your clients and you prefer the Single Website License method over ProServer licensing method — e.g., because you don't always host the sites on the same server or because you'd rather pay a one-time charge than a recurring monthly fee — then buying a 10 Pack could more an extremely cost-effective and convenient option for you.

How much can I save?

If you purchased 10 Single Website Licenses one-by-one at the current retail price of $18/each/month it would cost you $180, but a 10 pack only costs $90 (at of the time this article was written...October 2014), so you save $90.00.

Where/How do I purchase a 10 Pack?

You can purchase 10 packs (and 5 packs) from the Pro Edition purchase page

If you are already a Soholaunch customer, you can purchase the pack from your Partner Area account.

  1. Log-in to the Soholaunch Partner Area.
  2. At the top of the Account Settings page in the Partner Area you should see a button that says "Buy Single Website License(s)". Click that.
  3. On the next page you'll see the option to purchase the 10 Pack, under the "Choose License Package" heading.