Sohowiki Sandbox

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Write now, organize and place later. This is the place to draft content before you know exactly where it should go...also good place for expermimenting with wiki markup.


Test Main Page layout


We've set up this site to act as a central knowledgebase for all things Soholaunch. At this point, the site's still a baby, with only a few scattered pages of content, so if you're just browsing for an answer, solution, etc. to specific question/problem you have, then you'll probably have better luck searching the [Soholaunch Community Forum] or even the regular User's Manual. And hey, if you do find your answer on the forums, maybe you could come back to this site and write a quick tip/article about it... you could even include a little "this tip/article brought to you by..." blurb with a link to your company website...
Note: This is not meant to replace the standard User's Manual. We (Soholaunch) created it because we wanted a place to quickly post random/specialized information (i.e. installation troubleshooting, customization tricks, etc) without having to stop and think about private-branding issues or whether it might be so specialized (only relavant to a small minority) that it's existence might end up confusing more people than it helps.

Latest Updates

  • Working changelog started for upcoming v4.9 r21
  • New main page for wiki!
  • New troubleshooting tip on free trial period

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