Hook attach

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Revision as of 16:04, 24 November 2006 by Bocz (Talk | contribs)
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hook_attach(plugin file, hook id name)

What it does 
Includes (attaches) your custom script (plugin file) at a pre-designated place (hook id) in the Pro Edition source code.

Example 1 - What a designated hook looks like in the Pro Edition source code
Taken from in sohoadmin/program/header.php (~line #375 as of v4.9 Beta2)

eval(hook("header.php:top_javascript", basename(__FILE__)));

Example 2 - calling hook attachement() from your install_manifest.php
Taken from QuickEdit Dropdown Menu plugin

hook_attach("quickedit_js.php", "header.php:top_javascript");

The end-result of examples 1 and 2 is that Pro Edition will include() your script at the designated location (determined by hook id). So when Pro Edition processes header.php and gets to that line with a hook() on it that your plugin has attached to (by calling hook_attach in its install_manifest.php), it basically does this...


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