Hook replace (deprecated)

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Revision as of 15:36, 19 May 2006

hook_replace(source file name, replacement manifest file name)

Reads your replacement manifest file and replaces specified chunk(s) of code in source file with your different (modified) code.
Specific replacements for a particular source file should be placed in a dedicated file (this is your replacement manifest).

Example 1 - Calling hook_replace from your plugin's install manifest

hook_replace("sohoadmin/program/main_menu.php", "main_menu-replacements.php");

Example 2 - Content of replacement manifest file (i.e. main_menu-replacements.php)

#new replacement#
# Add another title row below the "Basic Features Group" row.
     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>

     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>
     <td class="fgroup_title">Hello World!</td>

#new replacement#
# Replace title row with modifed version
     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>

     <td class="fgroup_title" style="font-style: italic;">Hello World!</td>


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