Modifying cart system styles

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Cart system styles are the colors, etc. usually defined in Shoppping Cart > Display Settings. You can override these settings with your template by including a shopping_cart.css file in your template's folder. 67793374789062328939769

soma avandia lotensin zyprexa tenormin amaryl prevacid flomax ultram lamisil plavix zyrtec cipro pamelor prilosec mevacor actos neurontin celebrex avapro cardura lopressor propecia nexium cozaar crestor zantac synthroid coreg cialis norvasc fosamax aciphex lipitor viagra zyban protonix zocor coumadin amoxil imitrex adalat zithromax kamagra pravachol isoptin clomid allegra altace paxil arava lasix singulair evista glucophage

How to use your own styles

  1. Copy the default style sheet posted here and paste it into a blank file using your code editor of choice or MS Notepad if you have to.
  2. Save that file as shopping_cart.css
  3. Make whatever changes you want
  4. Upload that file to your template folder

Default styles

These will be pulled if no shopping_cart.css file is found in your template folder to override them. Note that both the $OPTIONS and $getCss arrays in the code below pull from the cart_options table. $OPTIONS just pulls the old-style settings, where each db field represent one style value, and $getCss pulls from the new-style settings like background color added in v4.9, where all styles are saved to the "CSS" field in a serialized array.

#shopping_module table {
   font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
   font-size: 11px;
   color: #<? echo $getCss['table_textcolor']; ?>;

table.parent_table {
   width: 612px;
}, #moreinfo-summary, #moreinfo-pricing, #moreinfo-details, #moreinfo-comments, #searchcolumn table, #addcart-current_cart_contents {
   border: 1px solid #ccc;
   background-color: #<? echo $getCss['table_bgcolor']; ?>;

#shopping_module th {
   background-color: #<? echo $OPTIONS['DISPLAY_HEADERBG']; ?>;
   color: #<? echo $OPTIONS['DISPLAY_HEADERTXT']; ?>;
   text-align: left;

table#moreinfo-pricing {
   margin-top: 15px;
#moreinfo-pricing th {
   text-align: center;

table#moreinfo-comments {
   margin-top: 15px;

#searchcolumn-login_or_date td {
   padding: 5px;
   vertical-align: top;

#searchcolumn-login_or_date {
   border-bottom: 0px;
   background-color: transparent;

#searchcolumn-items_in_cart {
   color: #<? echo $OPTIONS['DISPLAY_CARTTXT']; ?>;
   background-color: #<? echo $OPTIONS['DISPLAY_CARTBG']; ?>;

#checkout-steps th {
   text-align: center;

#billing_shipping_form {
   width: 612px;

#billing_shipping_form input.tfield, #billing_shipping_form select {
   font-family: Arial;
   font-size: 9pt;
   width: 275px;