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Add fonts to the new Text Editor

CIA Fonts will not work with v4.9.2

In versions prior to v4.9.2 there was a plugin called CIA Fonts on the Soholaunch Addons website that made it easy to add fonts to the Text Editor. But as of v4.9.2 this plugin will no longer work (until it is updated...hint, hint Thomas), because v4.9.2 builds incorporate a completely different text editor.

The new workaround method for sites running v4.9.2

Until an easier solution is created (which should happen before too long), you can still add fonts to the new editor, but not quite as easily as you could with the old editor and CIA Fonts.

Here's how to add fonts to the new Text Editor

You must be running at least v4.9.2 r7 to add fonts using this method...
  1. Go to Database Table Manager
  2. Click the "System tables" tab
  3. Find the smt_userdata table
  4. Click View/Edit Records
  5. Using the search box at the top left run a search on "customfonts" (without the qoutes). Only one record should be returned.
  6. Edit that record
  7. Add fonts to that "data" field (details below) and hit the Save Changed Data button

Format of fonts list

The "data" field contains a list of all the fonts available in the Text Editor. You may want to copy-paste the content of the data field into a text/code editor like Dreamweaver or MS Notepad so you can see them all on one line instead of wrapped into multiple lines. Then when you're done editing the list just copy-paste it back into the text field you took it out of and save the record.

Example content of "data" field in "customfonts" record...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif

The font choices are separated by semicolon ";". Each font choice has two parts, separated by an equals sign (=). The first part (e.g., Arial) is the font name as it will display in the Text Editor and doesn't matter (i.e., you could call it "Billyfont". The second part is what actually affects what font will show on the website --- the proper font-family syntax for the html/css code. Some fonts in the second part specify multiple comma-separated fonts --- these are alternates to use if the preceding font isn't available.

Adding "Trebuchet" to the font list...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;Trebuchet=Trebuchet MS,verdana,arial,sans-serif

Again, the display name doesn't really matter, and the multiple comma-separated alternative fonts are note required either, so could just have...

Andale Mono=andale mono,times;Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;MyFavoriteFont=Trebuchet MS

When you're done editing the font list in the data field just hit the Save Changed Data to update the record and you're done! Your new font will be available in the Text Editor now.

Find out what version of Soholaunch you're running

Howto find your version no.gif

The installed version number is located in the bottom-right of the admin tool window, in the footer.

Create an auto-reply email address field in the Web Form builder

In the form builder...

  1. Click the "( ) Add Field" button
  2. Click the "Email Address" field

Uninstall Soholaunch manually

Note: This will kill the entire website. Do not do this unless you're positive this is what you want to do. This is meant for people who installed Soholaunch manually (i.e. via installsoholaunch.php) on a website they don't want it on and now want to uninstall it.

Using your preferred code editor (MS Notepad will work if you don't have a code editor of choice), create a new file (save it as deleteitall.php or something) containing this code....

shell_exec("rm -rf media");
shell_exec("rm -rf images");
shell_exec("rm -rf import");
shell_exec("rm -rf tCustom");
shell_exec("rm -rf template");
shell_exec("rm -rf shopping");
shell_exec("rm -rf sohoadmin");
echo "Done! It's all gone!";
?> save that file as something like "deleteitall.php", upload it to your document root folder (i.e. public_html, htdocs, etc.) via FTP and point your browser to

Offer your customers your own template collection

To make your custom templates available to every user on your server, wrap them all up in a zip file and upload them can be anywhere, as long as it's accessible from the internet.

For example, let's say you upload your .zip file full of templates to...

Then log-in to the Partner Area and go to "Branding Controls". Under "Templates" check the "My own templates" box, for the "URL path to template library .zip..." field fill-in

Then scroll down and hit the "Save Options" button. Done! From now on whenever a new Soholaunch-powered website is set up on your server(s), your template library will be downloaded and installed automatically.

Rename/Delete a page that won't delete

Usually, if you can't delete a page it's because it has some trouble characters in its name like an ampersand (