Soholaunch WHM Admin Panel

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Revision as of 15:17, 27 July 2007 by Cameron Allen (Talk | contribs)
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The Soholaunch WHM Admin Panel is where the web host can manage his Soholaunch installations.


  • Root access to cPanel server
  • Comfort with uploading and extracting .tgz/.tar files on your server via SSH command prompt.


  1. Login as root through SSH.
  2. cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
  3. If there is not a cgi folder, create one.
  4. wget
  5. tar xvzf soho-whm-v4.tar.gz
  6. chown root.root *soholaunch*
  7. chmod -R 755 *soholaunch*
  8. rm soho-whm-v4.tar.gz

Done! The Soholaunch Menu will now appear in your WHM panel at the bottom of the left menu.