Create Pages

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Creating New Site Pages

When installed, the Soholaunch Pro Edition automatically creates a Home Page for your site. To create new pages, select “Create New Pages” from the main menu (Page Editing Group). You may create up to 10 pages at a time, and there is no limit on the total number of pages that can be created for your web site.

If you are using the “Menu Display” navigation system, the names you chose for your pages will be displayed on your menu buttons, and will be viewed by your site visitors.

Type the desired page name(s) in the Page Name column, and make sure the page type is set to “Menu Page,” as this section is dedicated to normal content pages. The other page types (Newsletter, Event Calendar, and Shopping Cart Attachment) will be discussed in later chapters.

Page names can only consist of letters, underscores, and/or numbers. Dashes, ampersands and other characters will be filtered out.

If you do not wish to create 10 pages, simply leave the other page name fields blank. Click the “Create Pages” button to create your new pages. When your pages are created, you will be directed to the Open/Edit Pages Module.

Opening Pages

Once pages have been created, you can place content on them or edit the content that already exists on the page. To edit a page, click the “Edit Page” menu item on the main menu (Page Editing Group) or the “Edit Page” button on the top navigation bar (Both serve the same purpose).

Click on the name of the page you wish to edit. This will start loading the page editor with the page content for your selected page. (Attachment pages are covered in later module sections)