Hook replace (deprecated)

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hook_replace(path to source file from docroot, replacement manifest file name)

Reads your replacement manifest file and replaces specified chunk(s) of code in source file with your different (modified) code.
Specific replacements for a particular source file should be placed in a dedicated file (this is your replacement manifest).

Example 1 - Calling hook_replace from your plugin's install manifest

hook_replace("sohoadmin/program/main_menu.php", "main_menu-replacements.php");

Example 2 - Content of replacement manifest file (i.e. main_menu-replacements.php)

#new replacement#
# Add another title row below the "Basic Features Group" row.
     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>

     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>
     <td class="fgroup_title">Hello World!</td>

#new replacement#
# Replace title row with modifed version
     <td class="fgroup_title"><? echo lang("Basic Features Group"); ?></td>

     <td class="fgroup_title" style="font-style: italic;">Hello World!</td>
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