How to

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Find your template's folder

1. Log-in via FTP to your website and navigate to this folder...


2. Find the folder for your specific template. This is the naming convention for template folders..


So if you're using CORPORATE > A_Curvacious_Mark (Blue), your template folder would be...


...and the full path from your home directory would be:


Set background image

1. Log-in via FTP and find your template's folder...

2. Upload the image you want to use as your background to that folder

3. Download the custom.css file that's in there and open it up in your code editor of choice (or notepad will work if nothing else)

4. Add in this code...

body { background-image: url(mybackgroundimage.gif); }

5. Save the file (custom.css) and upload it back to your template's folder

Make a button that links to another website, but opens that link in a new window?

Solution: Pull up the Text Editor where you put in the button, click on the "HTML" button at the bottom left.

The HTML for your button should look something like this...

<input type="button" style="width: 163px; color: 
rgb(29, 0, 237); height: 24px; background-color: rgb(249, 186, 0);"
size="217" value="Click here to go to">

To make this button link to "", insert the following "onclick" attribute...


So the full code for the button should look something like...

<input type="button" onclick="'','',
'width=800px, height=600px,resizable');"
style="width: 163px; color: rgb(29, 0, 237); 
height: 24px; background-color: rgb(249, 186, 0);" 
size="217" value="My Button">

Just replace "" with the site you want to link to, and you're good to go.