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This is place for all miscellaneous tips and solutions gleamed from various customer inquiries and support incidents.


Goes into free trial mode when trying to create a base-only lifetime license

As of v4.9+ the product will default to the free trial period if you don't enable any of the modules. This is a built-in behaviour now and doesn't actually cost you any feature licenses or anything, but if you'd like you can disable the free trial mode via Branding Controls in the partner area.

Cannot save header text, company logo, etc in Template Manager

To fix:

  1. Go to the Help Center
  2. Click the Diagnostics button at the top
  3. Look under "Special Tools"
  4. Click "Check/fix system db table structure"

If that doesn't work, try the "Make sure all system db tables exist" link too.

How do I find out my server hostname and IP Address?

Create a .php script that looks like this, upload it to your site, and pull it up in your browser.


# Get IP by global var or reverse dns lookup (if global var not set)
if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != "" ) {
   $my_ip_address = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
} elseif ( gethostbyname(php_uname(n)) != "" ) {
   $my_ip_address = gethostbyname(php_uname(n));

echo "My hostname: [".php_uname(n)."]<br>";
echo "My IP address: [".$my_ip_address."]";


Internal server error issues

If your server is running suexec, permissions on all files and folders need to be 755 with an owner and group of cpaneluser.cpaneluser. You will get a "Internal Server Error" or "Error 500" when permissions are not this way. To fix this issue use the following 2 commands on the doc root.

chmod -R 0755 public_html


:chown -R cpaneluser.cpaneluser public_html

Server config conflicts to check for

Make sure mysql is NOT running in "strict" mode. 
This can prevent insert statements from working properly -- a problem typically evidenced by not being able to log-in to a newly-installed copy of Pro Edition (you'll keep getting the "invalid username/password" error)