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This is place for all miscellaneous tips and solutions gleamed from various customer inquiries and support incidents.


Cannot save header text, company logo, etc in Template Manager

To fix:

  1. Go to the Help Center
  2. Click the Diagnostics button at the top
  3. Look under "Special Tools"
  4. Click "Check/fix system db table structure"

If that doesn't work, try the "Make sure all system db tables exist" link too.

How do I find out my server hostname and IP Address?

Create a .php script that looks like this, upload it to your site, and pull it up in your browser.


# Get IP by global var or reverse dns lookup (if global var not set)
if ( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != "" ) {
   $my_ip_address = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
} elseif ( gethostbyname(php_uname(n)) != "" ) {
   $my_ip_address = gethostbyname(php_uname(n));

echo "My hostname: [".php_uname(n)."]<br>";
echo "My IP address: [".$my_ip_address."]";


Internal server error issues

If your server is running suexec, permissions on all files and folders need to be 755 with an owner and group of cpaneluser.cpaneluser. You will get a "Internal Server Error" or "Error 500" when permissions are not this way. To fix this issue use the following 2 commands on the doc root.

chmod -R 0755 public_html


:chown -R cpaneluser.cpaneluser public_html

Server config conflicts to check for

Make sure mysql is NOT running in "strict" mode. 
This can prevent insert statements from working properly -- a problem typically evidenced by not being able to log-in to a newly-installed copy of Pro Edition (you'll keep getting the "invalid username/password" error)